Sunday, May 18, 2014

speech to text software | Alter the way you create content forever with Dragon Dictate for Mac

speech to text software - Alter the way you create content forever with Dragon Dictate for Mac. Use only your voice to quickly and easily create content for your blog, articles and documents. Make notes, capture ideas, and more.

Speech to text software, like Dragon Dictate for Mac, gives you an edge that you do not normally have when creating content with a keyboard. Usually the keyboard will lock you into self edit mode which is exactly what you do not want to be in when you are creating good, engaging content.

Break free of that annoying little self editor in your head that keeps your creativity and personality boxed up when typing on the keyboard. Dragon Dictate for Mac allows you to create content by speaking it rather than typing. This allows you to create content in your own "voice" and personality. You do have to think about what you're saying before you say it, but then what good author wouldn't want to?

Another advantage of Dragon Dictate for Mac is that it allows you to speak and create your content faster than you can by typing it, and if you're like me, you can speak much faster than you can ever possibly type.

The idea of speech dictation is not a new one. Executives have been using secretaries to take down dictation and then transcribe their words using a typewriter for many long years. But speech to text software has eliminated the need for secretary to do this tedious task.

Dragon Dictate for Mac certainly has obvious benefits such as:

1. If you're in office, it eliminates the need to pay someone else to transcribe your work.

2. It also gives you the ability of dictating your work privately without being nervous and in front of others. (Not sure about you but when I dictate I prefer to be alone!)

3. Using speech to text software such as Dragon Dictate for Mac, opens the possibilities for your creativity. Here's an example: you can open a Pages document and just begin speaking ideas using your cordless Bluetooth headset and pacing around the room brainstorming creative ideas to build your business or to promote your business or to create new products. (It's not so easy sitting behind a desk trying to type all that out!)

Dragon Dictate for Mac is very accurate after it has been properly trained. Using your own voice you will read stories into the software which will teach the software the nuances of your particular voice, the more you read of the training stories the better the software gets.

Dragon Dictate for Mac, my speech to text software of choice, allows for massive training. As you are dictating to it, when it makes a mistake you can issue corrections via your voice and it will learn from those mistakes. You can also add new vocabulary to its vocabulary dictionary through its built-in vocabulary editor.

Dragon Dictate will allow you to train difficult words in your own voice so that it recognizes what you have said.

By now, you see that Dragon Dictate for Mac, will alter the way you create content forever. The great thing is it does not get impatient with you, but will sit there and listen and wait for you to continue with your sentence, or your paragraph.

You feel that Dragon Dictate for Mac is right for you? Then click on this link now:

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